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Fortress Publications 2007 Paperback

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Forlag Fortress Publications

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780988618503

Språk Engelsk

Sider 306

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In the waning months of World War II, the allied armies advance
upon the crumbling German war machine like a juggernaut. In a
final desperate bid to save the Fatherland, a plan is conceived that
could turn the tide of the war-the completion of an advanced jet-
propelled bomber capable of delivering a deadly payload to
the shores of America.

Captain Griff Avery of the OSS has just botched the defection of a
prominent German physicist, a man crucial to the Nazi end game,
letting him fall into the hands of the rogue SS General
masterminding the plot. But Avery's troubles have only just begun:
overwhelming evidence points to the woman he loves as the
German spy who foiled the defection.

Now under suspicion himself, Avery sifts through the lies and
deceit, uncovering the treacherous German operation. Against
orders and on the run, Avery is forced to wage a secret war of his
own, recruiting the crew of a B-17 Flying Fortress and a reckless
group of flyboys and their P-51 Mustangs to help him hunt down the
secret SS cell and prevent the slaughter-no matter what the cost

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