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Transworld 2007 Heftet

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Britannia, AD 60: The tribes of Britannia are ready to seek bloody vengeance. Twenty thousand warriors are poised to reclaim their land from their captors. Now is their chance: the Roman governor has marched his legions west, leaving his capital and a vital port undefended. There is no going back. But to crush her enemies' legions for all time, Boudica must do more than lead her army in the greatest rebellion Britain has ever known. She must find healing for herself, for the land - and for Graine, her eight-year-old daughter. Colchester is burning. London has been destroyed. Amidst fire and bloody revolution, the Boudica and those around her must fight to keep what matters most - now and for all time.

Omtale fra forlaget

Britannia, AD 60: The tribes of Britannia are ready to seek bloody vengeance. Twenty thousand warriors are poised to reclaim their land from their captors. Now is their chance: the Roman governor has marched his legions west, leaving his capital and a vital port undefended. There is no going back. But to crush her enemies' legions for all time, Boudica must do more than lead her army in the greatest rebellion Britain has ever known. She must find healing for herself, for the land - and for Graine, her eight-year-old daughter. Colchester is burning. London has been destroyed. Amidst fire and bloody revolution, the Boudica and those around her must fight to keep what matters most - now and for all time.


Forlag Transworld

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780553814088

EAN 9780553814088

Genre Historisk litteratur

Omtalt tid Antikken

Omtalt sted Storbritannia

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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