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Deep in an Arizona mountain, the world's largest supercollider will probe what happened at the very moment of creation: the Big Bang itself. The brainchild of Nobel laureate Gregory North Hazelius, the supercollider, given the name Isabella, is the most expensive machine ever built. Some people think it may unlock the mysteries of the universe. Some think it will create a mini black hole that will suck in the earth. Powerful televangelist Don T. Spates thunders that Isabella is a satanic attempt to disprove Genesis and challenge God Almighty on the very throne of heaven. He'll do anything to stop Isabella from reaching its goal.When Hazelius and his team of twelve scientists start up Isabella, they make an extraordinary discovery - one that must be hidden from the world at all costs. Wyman Ford, ex-monk and CIA operative, is hired by the US government to wrest from the team their dark secret. A secret that will either destroy the world ...or save it. 'This baby roars ...the pages simply fly' - "Publishers Weekly" 'A superb read! A page-turning thriller about science and religion in which good and evil collide at the speed of light. You'll be up all night with this book' - Jeffrey Deaver.

Omtale fra forlaget

Deep in an Arizona mountain, the world's largest supercollider will probe what happened at the very moment of creation: the Big Bang itself. The brainchild of Nobel laureate Gregory North Hazelius, the supercollider, given the name Isabella, is the most expensive machine ever built. Some people think it may unlock the mysteries of the universe. Some think it will create a mini black hole that will suck in the earth. Powerful televangelist Don T. Spates thunders that Isabella is a satanic attempt to disprove Genesis and challenge God Almighty on the very throne of heaven. He'll do anything to stop Isabella from reaching its goal. When Hazelius and his team of twelve scientists start up Isabella, they make an extraordinary discovery -- one that must be hidden from the world at all costs. Wyman Ford, ex-monk and CIA operative, is hired by the US government to wrest from the team their dark secret. A secret that will either destroy the world ...or save it. 'This baby roars ...the pages simply fly' Publishers Weekly 'A superb read! A page-turning thriller about science and religion in which good and evil collide at the speed of light. You'll be up all night with this book' Jeffrey Deaver


Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330448659

EAN 9780330448659

Genre Thrillere

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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