Bim's northern light dream

av (forfatter), Stine Haugseth (illustratør), Francesco Galbiati (illustratør) og Josephine Stenersen (oversetter).

Tru Stories 2013 Innbundet

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Autumn has come to a forest far away in the north and bears will soon be hibernating. One day Bim, a young bear, hears about Northern Light and wonders what it is. The other animals in the forest tell different tales about her, except for the bears, as they sleep when Northern Light appears.

Bim cannot sleep, and one dark eerie night he creeps out of the den to hunt for the magic Northern Light.

Bim's Northern Light Dream is a beautiful children's book with lovely drawings and stunning photographs of the Northern Lights.

An exciting tale takes us on a journey through the North Norwegian landscape to discover the fascination and wonder that the Northern Lights awake in people.

It is also a tale of friendship and courage - about a little bear who bravely defies his limitations and experiences something that no other bear has ever experienced.


Forlag Tru Stories

Utgivelsesår 2013

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788299944410

EAN 9788299944410

Språk Engelsk

Sider 31

Utgave 1

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