
instant city

av (forfatter) og Anne-Stine Johnsbråten (illustratør).

Arvinius+Orfeus 2016 Innbundet

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Kjøp boken hos

Kjøp boka hos! Kjøp boka hos Akademika Kjøp boka hos

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Barcode is one of Oslo's, and even Norway's, most important architectural and urban projects of recent years. This book documents how a highly original competition-winning master plan, conceived by MVRDV, A-LAB, and DARK, has contributed to the transformation of Bjørvika and the Oslo Fjord.

The author Hans Ibelings, architecture critic and lecturer, elucidates how the radical clarity of the master plan has provoked innovative architecture that mixes work, living, commercial, and leisure in a dense setting. With realizations by the three offices as well as by SJ arkitekter, Snøhetta, MAD arkitekter, and Lund Hagem, Barcode has become a showcase of 21st-century architecture. Richly illustrated with images, including a photo series exclusive to the book, Barcode - Instant City explores the transformation and the new burst of life at the border between the city and fjord.


Forlag Arvinius+Orfeus

Utgivelsesår 2016

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9789187543173

EAN 9789187543173

Omtalt sted Oslo

Språk Engelsk

Sider 272

Utgave 1

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