At home with the Templetons

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2011 Heftet

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This title is from the bestselling author of "Those Faraday Girls". Other people's families aren't always as perfect as they seem. When the Templeton family from England takes up residence in a stately home in Australia, they set the locals talking - and with good reason. From the outside, the seven Templetons seem so bohemian, unusual...peculiar even. No one is more intrigued by the family than their neighbours, single mother Nina Donovan and her young son Tom. Before long, the two families' lives become entwined in unexpected ways, to the delight of Gracie, the sweetest of the Templeton children. In the years that follow, the relationships between the Templetons and the two Donovans twist and turn in unpredictable and life-changing directions, until a tragedy tears them all apart. What will it take to bring them together again? From Australia's top-selling female novelist comes her best book yet - a wonderfully entertaining and touching story about the perils and pleasures of love, friendship and family.


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330533751

EAN 9780330533751

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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