
365 days

av (forfatter) og Robert J. Nemiroff (forfatter).

Harry N. Abrams 2006 Innbundet

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In this follow-up to " The Universe: 365 Days", the two astrophysicists who founded Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) bring readers the most ingruiging pictures of space to date. They include photographs from the Spirit and Opportunity rovers on Mars and the Cassini spacecraft orbiting the ringed gas giant Saturn, along with the latest deep-space revelations from the Hubble Space Telescope - and gorgeous views by professionals and amateurs alike of the wonders in the skies just above Earth. Accompanying each spectacular image is a short explanatory text. With glossary.

Omtale fra forlaget

In this follow-up to " The Universe: 365 Days", the two astrophysicists who founded Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) bring readers the most ingruiging pictures of space to date. They include photographs from the Spirit and Opportunity rovers on Mars and the Cassini spacecraft orbiting the ringed gas giant Saturn, along with the latest deep-space revelations from the Hubble Space Telescope - and gorgeous views by professionals and amateurs alike of the wonders in the skies just above Earth. Accompanying each spectacular image is a short explanatory text. With glossary.


Forlag Harry N. Abrams

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780810957152

EAN 9780810957152

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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