Ars erotica

the best modern erotic art

av (forfatter).

Carlton 2005 Innbundet

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The book takes a look at what erotic art has come to mean today. It showcases the finest examples from the worlds of illustration, pin-up, surreal, comic and modern art from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It will shed light on how erotic art has developed, its influences, and the cutting edge artists working in the field today, from Picasso's explicit sexual sketches to the 1960s pop art stylings of Allen Jones and West Coast king of cool Coop's notorious devil girls. It brings together some of the very best examples from modern painting, sculpture, graphic design and new media.

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The book takes a look at what erotic art has come to mean today. It showcases the finest examples from the worlds of illustration, pin-up, surreal, comic and modern art from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It will shed light on how erotic art has developed, its influences, and the cutting edge artists working in the field today, from Picasso's explicit sexual sketches to the 1960s pop art stylings of Allen Jones and West Coast king of cool Coop's notorious devil girls. It brings together some of the very best examples from modern painting, sculpture, graphic design and new media.


Forlag Carlton

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781844425341

EAN 9781844425341

Språk Engelsk

Sider 223

Utgave 1

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