Are men necessary?

when sexes collide

av (forfatter).

Headline 2007 Heftet

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In this book, the author explains why getting ready for a date went from glossing and gargling to Paxiling and Googling, why men may be biologically unsuited to hold higher office and why the new definition of Having It All is less about empowerment and equality than about flirting and getting rescued. The triumph of feminism lasted a nanosecond and generated a gender tangle that has lasted 40 years. Now along has come a woman to cut through the tangle and tickle Adam's rib. The battle of the sexes will never be the same again.

Omtale fra forlaget

In this book, the author explains why getting ready for a date went from glossing and gargling to Paxiling and Googling, why men may be biologically unsuited to hold higher office and why the new definition of Having It All is less about empowerment and equality than about flirting and getting rescued. The triumph of feminism lasted a nanosecond and generated a gender tangle that has lasted 40 years. Now along has come a woman to cut through the tangle and tickle Adam's rib. The battle of the sexes will never be the same again.


Forlag Headline

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780755315512

EAN 9780755315512

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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