Architecture as infrastructure

artistic research by studio B3 2008-2010

av (redaktør), Rolf Gerstlauer (redaktør) og Lisbeth Funck (redaktør).

Arkitektur- og designhøyskolen i Oslo 2013 Heftet

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In 2008, Studio B3 at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design published a book called GENERATOR. Through our introductory texts and the presentation of student projects, the book's content argues that in principle architectural space has the ability to be generated by almost everything. The investigation evolved into some rather surprising spatial discoveries, which instigated the desire to achieve a deeper architectural precision, and this in turn led to the discussion of architecture as infrastructure. The intention behind the discussion on architecture as infrastructure was to search for and explore energy fields with spatial potential, and funnel these discoveries into structures with a capacity to achieve architectural precision. It was important not to lock these intentions, but rather regard them as open in their capacity to TAKE ON other spatial layers in relation to a particular reading or awareness of potential. The work produced during the courses "Architecture as Infrastructure" was an exploration into spatial potential with a capacity to take on many scales and interpretations. In this sense, the search released architectural intentions from the constraints of the singular architectural object, as the investigation challenged and opened up for new and changing relationships, both social and spatial. Its aim is TO INCLUDE and not separate.


Forlag Arkitektur- og designhøyskolen i Oslo

Utgivelsesår 2013

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788281520394

EAN 9788281520394

Språk Engelsk

Sider 299

Utgave 1

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