Antonio Carluccio

the collection

av (forfatter).

2012 Innbundet

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The Godfather of Italian food, Antonio Carluccio is an internationally acclaimed cook whose worldwide book sales number in the millions and whose television series have screened in over 20 countries. Now, for the first time, he has brought together over 300 of his best recipes to form this ultimate compilation. Capturing Antonio's simple, joyful and no-fuss approach to cooking, this exceptional book provides a unique culinary journey covering every aspect of the Italian meal from antipasti to dolci and featuring mouthwatering dishes from each of Italy's distinct culinary regions. It is packed with stunning photographs and infused with Antonio's characteristic voice and style. Antonio's recipes are always beautifully simple and bursting with flavour, and now that they're collected into one stunning volume, you won't need to scramble between your cookbooks for your favourite recipes ever again. With only the very best recipes drawn from seven of his best-selling cookbooks, Antonio Carluccio: The Collection is bound to become the most significant Italian cookbook of its generation.


Utgivelsesår 2012

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781849491860

EAN 9781849491860

Omtalt sted Italia

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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