
a historical and professional review

av (forfatter).

Læringsforl. 2010 Heftet

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Forfatteren fokuserer på betegnelsen andragogikk, og ser på fagområdets historiske og faglige utvikling fra begrepet først ble tatt i bruk og frem til i dag. Har litteraturliste.

Omtale fra forlaget

The developmental work attached to the andragogy concept has its own interesting history. Internationally much adult pedagogical theory and practice is developed in the name of andragogy. The book pursues this development from the first known user of the concept in the 1830s until the present time. It is easy to be influenced by the strong commitment that was expressed, leading to new thoughts and new practice within adult education. Moreover, some of the pioneers are insufficiently discussed in the adult pedagogical literature. This especially applies to Alexander Kapp and Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, who receive extensive discussion in this book. In particular Rosenstock-Huessy, through his work, gives important connections to other influential adult educators in the interwar and postwar period. Therefore the book contributes to filling a void in the history of adult pedagogy. However, it does not only deal with these early pioneers, but considers central persons connected with the concept up to present time. The book also sheds light on the motive power behind the development of European and North-American andragogy, and existing differences and similarities. It also deals with andragogy as an academic discipline, together with a closer look at how andragogy today is used in different professional contexts. The book is designed to give inspiration to those dealing with adult learning at different levels and in different contexts. Some of the content is well-known and in line with present thinking, while other parts are unfamiliar and more distant. In any event, they are good sources for adult pedagogical reflection.


Forlag Læringsforl.

Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788293003113

EAN 9788293003113

Språk Engelsk

Sider 150

Utgave 1

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