Ancient gonzo wisdom

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2010 Heftet

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Bristling with inspired observations and wild anecdotes, this collection offers unique insight into the voice and mind of the inimitable Hunter S. Thompson, as recorded over the decades in the pages of "Playboy", the "Paris Review", "Esquire", in various lectures, and in television appearances, many in print for the first time. Fearless and unsparing, the interviews detail some of the most storied episodes of Thompson's life: his savage beating at the hands of the Hell's Angels, his talking football with Nixon on the 1972 Campaign Trail ('the only time in twenty years of listening to the treacherous bastard that I knew he wasn't lying'); his razor-sharp insight into the Bush-Cheney administration, his unlikely run for Sheriff of Aspen, and his successful public battle, during the last years of his life, to free an innocent woman from prison. In addition, Hunter Thompson's passionate tirades about journalism, culture, drugs, guns, and the law showcase his singular voice at its fiercest. Complete with an exclusive introduction by author, journalist, and cultural critic Christopher Hitchens, "Ancient Gonzo Wisdom" genuinely embraces the brilliance of Hunter S. Thompson - his life, his voice, and his legacy - to provide an enduring portrait of the great gonzo journalist. 'Four years after his death, the rapid-fire wit and venom of Thompson's writing is undiminished. "Ancient Gonzo Wisdom" features classic HST interviews' - "GQ".

Omtale fra forlaget

Bristling with inspired observations and wild anecdotes, this collection offers unique insight into the voice and mind of the inimitable Hunter S. Thompson, as recorded over the decades in the pages of Playboy, the Paris Review, Esquire, in various lectures, and in television appearances, many in print for the first time. Fearless and unsparing, the interviews detail some of the most storied episodes of Thompson's life: his savage beating at the hands of the Hell's Angels, his talking football with Nixon on the 1972 Campaign Trail ('the only time in twenty years of listening to the treacherous bastard that I knew he wasn't lying'); his razor-sharp insight into the Bush--Cheney administration, his unlikely run for Sheriff of Aspen, and his successful public battle, during the last years of his life, to free an innocent woman from prison. In addition, Hunter Thompson's passionate tirades about journalism, culture, drugs, guns, and the law showcase his singular voice at its fiercest. Complete with an exclusive introduction by author, journalist, and cultural critic Christopher Hitchens, Ancient Gonzo Wisdom genuinely embraces the brilliance of Hunter S. Thompson -- his life, his voice, and his legacy -- to provide an enduring portrait of the great gonzo journalist. 'Four years after his death, the rapid-fire wit and venom of Thompson's writing is undiminished. Ancient Gonzo Wisdom features classic HST interviews' GQ


Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330510721

EAN 9780330510721

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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