Ancestor stones

av (forfatter).

2011 Heftet

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Abie follows the arc of a letter from London back to Africa to a coffee plantation that now could be hers if she wants it. Standing among the ruined groves she strains to hear the sound of the past, but the layers of years are too many. Thus begins the gathering of her family's history through the tales of her aunts - four women born to four different wives of a wealthy plantation owner, her grandfather. Asana, Mariama, Hawa and Serah: theirs is the story of a nation, a family and four women's attempts to alter the course of her own destiny.


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780747585923

EAN 9780747585923

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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Just words. I didn't know then the damage words can do. You can't feel them, or see them. Someone opens their mouth to speak. The words are there. And then they're gone. Except of course they're not, now they're inside the other person's head, sticking to their brain. I should have remembered the line from the song my mother sang: words never die.

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You, I remember how you talked to your children. You asked them: 'Do you want this or that?' 'Coca-cola or Fanta?' 'Front seat or back?' You drove them around in a big four-wheel as though they were born with no legs. You let them push away the food everybody else was eating and you asked the cooks: 'What else is there in the kitchen?' And I heard the way your children answered you. As though the world was upside down, and you were the child, they the adults.

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Look at you, so busy writing everything down on pieces of paper. Scraps of paper to lose or put away in a cupboard to grow mildew. Nobody ever bothered to teach me to write. They didn't need to. Instead I taught myself never to forget.

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