Among jews, gentiles and cristians in antiquity and the middle ages

studies in honour of professor Oskar Skarsaune on his 65th birthday

av (redaktør) og John Kaufman (redaktør).

Tapir akademisk forlag 2011 Heftet

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On the occasion of his 65th birthday, colleagues and friends of Professor Oskar Skarsaune are happy to celebrate him with a Festschrift. From his doctoral dissertation on Justin (The Proof from Prophecy, published 1987) to the large volume he edited on Jewish Believers in Jesus: The Early Centuries (2007), Professor Skarsaune has had a special interest in the relations between Jews and Christians. His main research interest has been in patristics, but he has also occasionally moved into medieval times and he has written several contributions within biblical studies. The present volume reflects this research interest. It contains several articles on Jews and Christians in antiquity, in addition to historical and biblical studies related to the common background of Jews and Christians. Included are also a bibliography of Professor Skarsaune's publications and a presentation of Skarsaune's scholarly profile. The contributors to the volume are Richard Bauckham, Craig A. Evans, Everett Ferguson, Gunnar af Hällström, Charles E. Hill, Reidar Hvalvik, John Kaufman, Wolfram Kinzig, Karl Olav Sandnes, Jan Schumacher, Magne Sæbø and Karl William Weyde


Forlag Tapir akademisk forlag

Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788251927895

EAN 9788251927895

Omtalt tid Middelalderen

Omtalt person Oskar Skarsaune

Språk Flerspråklig Engelsk Tysk

Sider 244

Utgave 1

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