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Flame Tree 2006 Heftet

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This work explores the emergence of the United States as a major force in the international art world during the twentieth century. This wonderful new series (with over 10 titles in print) aims to combine a compact, commercial approach with the breadth and clarity of larger format books. Covering art which both creates the foundation of modern culture and modern art itself, the books include Picasso, Bauhous, and the Art Nouveau movement.

Omtale fra forlaget

This work explores the emergence of the United States as a major force in the international art world during the twentieth century. This wonderful new series (with over 10 titles in print) aims to combine a compact, commercial approach with the breadth and clarity of larger format books. Covering art which both creates the foundation of modern culture and modern art itself, the books include Picasso, Bauhous, and the Art Nouveau movement.


Forlag Flame Tree

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781844512928

EAN 9781844512928

Serie The world's greatest art

Omtalt sted USA

Språk Engelsk

Sider 384

Utgave 1

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