All in the detail

over 400 finishing touches that make a house a home

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2009 Innbundet

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This title offers hundreds of ideas for affordable finishing touches that will enhance the elegance and individuality of your home. Caroline Clifton-Mogg looks at the principles of display and arrangement, of the importance of scale, and how to edit your possessions so they make the maximum impact, in chapters including Pictures, Mirrors and Other Wall Art, Flowers and Plants, Soft Furnishings, China and Glass, and Living (encompassing Living with Books, Mantelpieces and Fireplaces, Lighting and Decorative Collections). From hanging pictures to arranging quirky collections, from displaying textiles to making the most of mantelpieces, she shows you how to display items in an attractive way, how to combine different pieces to best effect and how to create focal points in a room.

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This title offers hundreds of ideas for affordable finishing touches that will enhance the elegance and individuality of your home. Caroline Clifton-Mogg looks at the principles of display and arrangement, of the importance of scale, and how to edit your possessions so they make the maximum impact, in chapters including Pictures, Mirrors and Other Wall Art, Flowers and Plants, Soft Furnishings, China and Glass, and Living (encompassing Living with Books, Mantelpieces and Fireplaces, Lighting and Decorative Collections). From hanging pictures to arranging quirky collections, from displaying textiles to making the most of mantelpieces, she shows you how to display items in an attractive way, how to combine different pieces to best effect and how to create focal points in a room.


Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781845978402

EAN 9781845978402

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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