All fun and games until somebody loses an eye

av (forfatter).

Time Warner books 2005 Heftet

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As a teenager Jane Bell had dreamt of playing in the casinos of Monte Carlo in the company of James Bond, but in her punk phase she'd got herself pregnant and by the time she reaches forty-six she's a grandmother. Then her son Ross, a researcher working for an arms manufacturer in Switzerland, is forced to disappear before some characters persuade him to part with the secrets of his research. But they are not the only ones desperate to locate him. A team of security experts is hired by Ross's firm: headed by the enigmatic Bett, his staff have little in common apart from total professionalism and a thorough disregard for the law.

Omtale fra forlaget

As a teenager Jane Bell had dreamt of playing in the casinos of Monte Carlo in the company of James Bond, but in her punk phase she'd got herself pregnant and by the time she reaches forty-six she's a grandmother. Then her son Ross, a researcher working for an arms manufacturer in Switzerland, is forced to disappear before some characters persuade him to part with the secrets of his research. But they are not the only ones desperate to locate him. A team of security experts is hired by Ross's firm: headed by the enigmatic Bett, his staff have little in common apart from total professionalism and a thorough disregard for the law.


Forlag Time Warner books

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780316726160

EAN 9780316726160

Genre Thrillere

Omtalt sted Skottland

Språk Engelsk

Sider 407

Utgave 1

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