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Child of a dream: An evocation of ancient Greece, this first volume of Alexander describes how the combined discipline and passion of his parents formed the talented Alexander, protege of Aristotle, and then portrays the start of his great adventure to conquer the civilized world in ancient times. The sands of Ammon: This volume describes Alexander's quest to conquer Asia. A seemingly impossible venture, Alexander and his war machine move ever onward towards his destiny. But there is much danger ahead. In the sands lies the Oracle of Ammon, waiting to change his life. The enda of the earth: The conclusion to the Alexander trilogy finds Alexander continuing into the heart of Asia and on towards the mystery of India. There are rebellions and bloodshed, but the curious beauty of Queen Roaxanna gives Alexander the strength of fulfill his destiny.

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Child of a dream: An evocation of ancient Greece, this first volume of Alexander describes how the combined discipline and passion of his parents formed the talented Alexander, protege of Aristotle, and then portrays the start of his great adventure to conquer the civilized world in ancient times. The sands of Ammon: This volume describes Alexander's quest to conquer Asia. A seemingly impossible venture, Alexander and his war machine move ever onward towards his destiny. But there is much danger ahead. In the sands lies the Oracle of Ammon, waiting to change his life. The enda of the earth: The conclusion to the Alexander trilogy finds Alexander continuing into the heart of Asia and on towards the mystery of India. There are rebellions and bloodshed, but the curious beauty of Queen Roaxanna gives Alexander the strength of fulfill his destiny.


Forlag Pan Books

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330414760

EAN 9780330414760

Serie Alexander-trilogien

Genre Historisk litteratur

Omtalt tid Oldtiden

Omtalt sted Asia

Omtalt person Aleksander den store

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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