Agent Provocateur

a celebration of femininity

av (forfatter), Serena Rees (forfatter) og Pria Taneja (medforfatter).

Carlton 1999 Innbundet

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The authors opened their exquisite lingerie store, Agent Provocateur, at a time when political correctness had created an anti-individual environment and companies would only act of the ideas with the approval of marketing men. They wanted to use the shop to redress the balance as a platform for ideas, and a place where they could provokingly display the sexuality of the female form without embarrassment or shame. This book looks at the ideas and images they have provided the main influences and inspiration for Agent Provocateur over the last years.

Omtale fra forlaget

The authors opened their exquisite lingerie store, Agent Provocateur, at a time when political correctness had created an anti-individual environment and companies would only act of the ideas with the approval of marketing men. They wanted to use the shop to redress the balance as a platform for ideas, and a place where they could provokingly display the sexuality of the female form without embarrassment or shame. This book looks at the ideas and images they have provided the main influences and inspiration for Agent Provocateur over the last years.


Forlag Carlton

Utgivelsesår 1999

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781858687582

EAN 9781858687582

Språk Engelsk

Sider 191

Utgave 1

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