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2015 Heftet

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Sunday Times Top-Ten Bestseller There is a fire and they are in there. They are in there ...Black smoke stains a summer blue sky. A school is on fire. And one mother, Grace, sees the smoke and runs. She knows her teenage daughter Jenny is inside. She runs into the burning building to rescue her. Afterwards, Grace must find the identity of the arsonist and protect her family from the person who's still intent on destroying them. Afterwards, she must fight the limits of her physical strength and discover the limitlessness of love. Praise for Afterwards: 'Loved The Time Traveler's Wife? This is even better' Company 'Lupton pushes the boundaries of our imagination with the manner in which the mystery is solved, creating a stunningly good read that's impossible to second-guess. A literary crime novel that's as clever in its premise as it is well written' Glamour 'Chillingly good' Red Magazine 'A bold, impossible-to-categorise and riveting blend of psychological suspense, literary thriller and the paranormal. Afterwards proves that Lupton isn't just good - she's wickedly good' Seattle Times 'In Afterwards, we see a master's touch on every page. Uncompromising emotional impact, a poet's sonorous style and a gripping story all come together to make this a transcendent literary experience. I guarantee this novel will touch everyone' Jeffery Deaver 'I became insanely gripped ...The word "compelling" is used lightly of mystery and crime novels - this one will define it for you' Daily Mail


Utgivelsesår 2015

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780749942168

EAN 9780749942168

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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