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It's the start of a new school term - and trouble's already brewing for one disaster-prone princess. On top of Mrs Martinez daring to suggest that Mia's 'not ready' for Advanced Creative Writing, Grandmere is being booted out of the Plaza during renovations. Can any other hotel in the world live up to Grandmere's standards, As if! But Mia's problems fade to nothing when she hears the most terrible news of all. Michael has been accepted on a year-long computer science course ...in Japan! Can Mia's perfect prince really love her if he can go away for a year? Or is being halfway around the world just what Michael needs right now?

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It's the start of a new school term - and trouble's already brewing for one disaster-prone princess. On top of Mrs Martinez daring to suggest that Mia's 'not ready' for Advanced Creative Writing, Grandmere is being booted out of the Plaza during renovations. Can any other hotel in the world live up to Grandmere's standards, As if! But Mia's problems fade to nothing when she hears the most terrible news of all. Michael has been accepted on a year-long computer science course ...in Japan! Can Mia's perfect prince really love her if he can go away for a year? Or is being halfway around the world just what Michael needs right now?


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330434942

EAN 9780330434942

Serie Prinsessedagbøkene (8)

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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