Access New York City

av (forfatter) og Anthony Lechtman (medforfatter).

HarperCollins 2002 Heftet

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With Access New York City your visit will be an easy, enjoyable experience, from the sleek powerhouses of Wall Street and midtown to the charming brownstones of Brooklyn and the Bronx, from the bohemian spirit of Greenwich village to the old-money atmosphere of the upper Fifth Avenue, and from the avant-garde attitude of Soho to the historic community of Harlem. Access New York City has been divided and organized by neighbourhoods, so you know where you are and where you're headed.

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With Access New York City your visit will be an easy, enjoyable experience, from the sleek powerhouses of Wall Street and midtown to the charming brownstones of Brooklyn and the Bronx, from the bohemian spirit of Greenwich village to the old-money atmosphere of the upper Fifth Avenue, and from the avant-garde attitude of Soho to the historic community of Harlem. Access New York City has been divided and organized by neighbourhoods, so you know where you are and where you're headed.


Forlag HarperCollins

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780060938338

EAN 9780060938338

Serie Access

Omtalt sted New York

Språk Engelsk

Sider 378

Utgave 10

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