A spotter's guide to film (and tv) locations

Lonely Planet 2017 Heftet

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The next in Lonely Planet's Spotter's Guide series reveals more than 100 locations of classic moments from famous films and TV series. How many scenes can you tick off? Films featured range from La Dolce Vita in Rome to Gladiator in Morocco. and TV series' settings include Game of Thrones in Dubrovnik and The Bridge in Scandinavia, all selected by a film critic. Find the locations near you and be the star of your own show!

The movies take you places: cinema is a mode of transport. In just 90 minutes, you can be whisked all the way around the globe - perhaps with a dotted red line marking your progress on a map as you go. Some films take you even farther, out of this world and to other galaxies far, far away.

And conversely, there are some places that can transport you into the world of a movie. If you want to feel like James Bond, try going to James Bond Island. In a Holly Golightly mood? Have a danish pastry and some coffee outside Tiffany's in Manhattan. Or want to feel like Rocky? Then run up the steps to the Philadelphia Museum and put your hands in the air like a champ when you get to the top.

This book is about the real-world places that provided the backdrops and settings for some of our most memorable collective dreams. Some of these locations played themselves and others were dressed up to look like somewhere else. But they all added texture and colour and weight to the visions of our best TV- and film-makers.

Who needs CGI when the real world looks as fabulous and varied as this?


Forlag Lonely Planet

Utgivelsesår 2017

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781786577603

EAN 9781786577603

Serie Lonely planet

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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Her er bøkene jeg leser for årets leseutfordring hos Sarpsborg bibliotek.

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Dette er en leseutfording med Olympisk tema for Juni, Juli og August, med 24 prompts med sportstema knyttet til OL i Paris iår (2024)

Lest 2/24

The Summer 2024 Prompts are:

1) Set in Paris
2) Flame on the cover
3) Going for Gold

4) 100M SPRINT: A short story collection
5) LONG JUMP: Audiobook is 15+ hours
6) STEEPLECHASE: Character is a spiritual leader

7) BOXING: A strong opening hook
8) WRESTLING: A heavy read
9) FENCING: Dialogue with witty banter! Touche!

10) BALANCE BEAM: About finding balance in life
11) UNEVEN BARS: Series with uneven number of books
12) RINGS: Jewelry on cover

13) SYNCHRONIZED DIVING: A sports romance novel
14) WATER POLO: A book that made a splash
15) BUTTERFLY: Plot featuring “butterfly effect”

16) ROAD CYCLING: Time period without modern transportation - LEST
17) TEAM PURSUIT: Featuring a group of friends
18) CROSS-COUNTRY: Related to word “endurance”

19) HANDBALL: Author shares same last name as an Olympian
20) VOLLEYBALL: Set in a country that wins a 2024 Olympic gold in Volleyball
21) FOOTBALL/SOCCER: Double letter word in title - LEST

22) At least four Olympic ring colors on cover - LEST
23) An author who hasn’t released a book in the past four years
24) Memoir / Biography about an Olympian

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