A secret garden

av (forfatter).

Century 2017 Innbundet

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Romance, humour and happy-ever-after endings are included in Katie Fforde's brand new novel for 2017. 'What I want to know', said Lorna, 'is what lies behind those ash trees at the back of the garden? Lorna is a talented gardener and Philly is a plantswoman. Together they work in the grounds of a beautiful manor house in the Cotswolds They enjoy their jobs and are surrounded by family and friends.
But for them both the door to true love remains resolutely closed. So when Lorna is introduced to Jack at a dinner party and Lucien catches Philly's eye at the local farmers market, it seems that dreams really can come true and happy endings lie just around the corner. But do they? Troublesome parents, the unexpected arrival of someone from Lorna's past, and the discovery of an old and secret garden mean their lives are about to become a lot more complicated...The deliciously romantic new novel from the No.


Forlag Century

Utgivelsesår 2017

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781780890876

EAN 9781780890876

Språk Engelsk

Sider 384

Utgave 1

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