A garland of quotes

an outlook on the 64 hexagrams of the I'Ching

av (forfatter).

Juniperus forlag 2024 Heftet

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A Garland of Quotations - an outlook on the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching. Selection and commentary by T. E. Holthe.
I-Ching - The Book of Changes, one of the oldest Chinese books, has been used for generations as a guide in life and to understand human nature. The I-Ching consists of 64 hexagrams or archetypes. It has been shown that there is a direct link between the hexagrams and the human DNA, as explained in A New View on Human Nature - a Book of Reference on Human Design and the Inner Weave, also by T. E. Holthe.
A hexagram consists of 6 lines or 6 stages in the unfolding of the archetype's theme. Both the archetypes and their lines are seen in a Human Design perspective.
Each of the 64 hexagrams is described with three short poems in the haiku tradition. In these poems, Holthe looks at the human archetypes, and to expand the perspective, four quotes from people from different times and places have been selected.
According to Human Design, there is a direct connection between the Zodiac and the 64 hexagrams. This allows you to follow the flow of the archetypes during the year, and the book ends with a calendar that shows which hexagram that is active from day to day.
May this collection of quotes pique your interest in this treasure of wisdom from China.


Forlag Juniperus forlag

Utgivelsesår 2024

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788293371496

EAN 9788293371496

Språk Engelsk

Sider 166

Utgave 1

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