A dictionary of London place names

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Oxford University Press 2001 Heftet

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From Abbey Road to Yeading Brook and Garlick Hill to Puddle Dock, this authoritative dictionary covers over 1700 names of streets, places, and areas of Greater London. Discover the linguistic and historical origins of these place-names and their significance, following the development of the city from pre-Celtic times to the present day. A useful reference guide for local historians the book should also make fascinating reading for both Londoners and visitors to the city.

Omtale fra forlaget

From Abbey Road to Yeading Brook and Garlick Hill to Puddle Dock, this authoritative dictionary covers over 1700 names of streets, places, and areas of Greater London. Discover the linguistic and historical origins of these place-names and their significance, following the development of the city from pre-Celtic times to the present day. A useful reference guide for local historians the book should also make fascinating reading for both Londoners and visitors to the city.


Forlag Oxford University Press

Utgivelsesår 2001

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780192801067

EAN 9780192801067

Serie Oxford paperback reference

Omtalt sted London

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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