A dictionary of astronomy

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Oxford University Press 2002 Heftet

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Written by an expert team of contributors under the editorship of Ian Ridpath, this text covers everything from black hole to white dwarf. It should be of value to students, professionals, and amateur astronomers seeking a comprehensive source of helpful information.There are 4000 entries, from astrophysics and cosmology to galaxies and time, and major entries include Big Bang theory, comet, eclipse, Magellanic Clouds, Mars, quasar, radio telescope, relativity, and variable stars. Up-to-date coverage includes space missions and recently named Solar System objects.As well as world-wide coverage of telescopes and observatories there are also biographical entries on eminent astronomers from Copernicus to Edwin Hubble.

Omtale fra forlaget

Written by an expert team of contributors under the editorship of Ian Ridpath, this text covers everything from black hole to white dwarf. It should be of value to students, professionals, and amateur astronomers seeking a comprehensive source of helpful information.There are 4000 entries, from astrophysics and cosmology to galaxies and time, and major entries include Big Bang theory, comet, eclipse, Magellanic Clouds, Mars, quasar, radio telescope, relativity, and variable stars. Up-to-date coverage includes space missions and recently named Solar System objects.As well as world-wide coverage of telescopes and observatories there are also biographical entries on eminent astronomers from Copernicus to Edwin Hubble.


Forlag Oxford University Press

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780192115966

EAN 9780192115966

Språk Engelsk

Sider 532

Utgave 1

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