A coyote's in the house

av (forfatter) og Lauren Child (illustratør).

Puffin 2005 Heftet

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Antwan is a coyote, living in the Hollywood Hills, who loves life on the wild side - running free in the woods with the wind in his fur, hanging with his gang the Diablos, grooming the pack for ticks and fleas and chasing anything that moves and might be edible. There's just one thing a wild dog's got to do - and that's keep away from humans. But then he meets Buddy. Buddy is a retired movie star (canine), who since he retired has lost his sparkle. He also happens to share a house with a very tasty poodle called Miss Betty. Antwan thinks it would be good for Buddy to try life on the wild side - so they decide to swap. But first, Antwan has to try life in the clean, shampooed, tinned-food and 'walkies' world of pampered domestic pooches. Which doesn't come naturally to a wild dog like him.

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Antwan is a coyote, living in the Hollywood Hills, who loves life on the wild side - running free in the woods with the wind in his fur, hanging with his gang the Diablos, grooming the pack for ticks and fleas and chasing anything that moves and might be edible. There's just one thing a wild dog's got to do - and that's keep away from humans. But then he meets Buddy. Buddy is a retired movie star (canine), who since he retired has lost his sparkle. He also happens to share a house with a very tasty poodle called Miss Betty. Antwan thinks it would be good for Buddy to try life on the wild side - so they decide to swap. But first, Antwan has to try life in the clean, shampooed, tinned-food and 'walkies' world of pampered domestic pooches. Which doesn't come naturally to a wild dog like him.


Forlag Puffin

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780141316888

EAN 9780141316888

Språk Engelsk

Sider 147

Utgave 1

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