1000 extra/ordinary objects

av (redaktør).

Taschen 2005 Heftet

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Things, objects, stuff, trinkets, tools, materials, gadgets, the things we use, abuse, throw away, cherish, depend on: these are the things we own, simple objects for our everyday lives. They may or may not hold special meaning to us, but their importance, as objects of cultural identity, is unmistakable. This is a guide to stuff from all over the world, and you will be able to see that what is ordinary halfway across the world (or perhaps for your neighbors across the street) may be totally foreign to you.

Omtale fra forlaget

Things, objects, stuff, trinkets, tools, materials, gadgets, the things we use, abuse, throw away, cherish, depend on: these are the things we own, simple objects for our everyday lives. They may or may not hold special meaning to us, but their importance, as objects of cultural identity, is unmistakable. This is a guide to stuff from all over the world, and you will be able to see that what is ordinary halfway across the world (or perhaps for your neighbors across the street) may be totally foreign to you.


Forlag Taschen

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9783822848067

EAN 9783822848067

Språk Flerspråklig Fransk Engelsk

Sider 573

Utgave 1

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