1000 classic recipes for every cook

Parragon 2003 Innbundet

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Each comprehensive section deals with a different main ingredient, helping you to get the most from the food you buy every day. Useful hints and tips guide you through how to finish each dish and a basic recipe section provides all-important bases for many recipes. Each recipe introduces indigenous ingredients and easy-to-master techniques. With index.

Omtale fra forlaget

Each comprehensive section deals with a different main ingredient, helping you to get the most from the food you buy every day. Useful hints and tips guide you through how to finish each dish and a basic recipe section provides all-important bases for many recipes. Each recipe introduces indigenous ingredients and easy-to-master techniques. With index.


Forlag Parragon

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781405416504

EAN 9781405416504

Språk Engelsk

Sider 1024

Utgave 1

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