one hundred houses for one hundred architects of the twentieth century

av (redaktør).

Taschen 2004 Heftet

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This project, which showcases the residences of some of the most significant twentieth century European architects, aims not only to make visible an aspect of our culture that that has hitherto been neglected by scholars, and to promote a public esteem and valuation of this cultural property, but also, ambitiously, to help assure the preservation of this shared international heritage. The residences selected here reflect a new, transnational, intercultural dimension, in which mutual influences and thematic absorptions can be seen clearly prevailing over national traditions.

Omtale fra forlaget

This project, which showcases the residences of some of the most significant twentieth century European architects, aims not only to make visible an aspect of our culture that that has hitherto been neglected by scholars, and to promote a public esteem and valuation of this cultural property, but also, ambitiously, to help assure the preservation of this shared international heritage. The residences selected here reflect a new, transnational, intercultural dimension, in which mutual influences and thematic absorptions can be seen clearly prevailing over national traditions.


Forlag Taschen

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9783822863121

EAN 9783822863121

Språk Engelsk

Sider 480

Utgave 1

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