10 x 10

Phaidon Press 2004 Heftet

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This book is a comprehensive view of new architecture today. 10 of the world's best-informed critics each selected 10 of the world's most exceptional emerging architects. The diverse and innovative projects of these 100 architects make up an inspirational and unique collection of recent architecture. The book features over 250 buildings and projects, including recently built work as well as projects currently under construction and due for completion. Each critic also contributes an essay exclusively for this publication and has selected 10 works from varying genres and media to illustrate the context in which architects operate today.

Omtale fra forlaget

This book is a comprehensive view of new architecture today. 10 of the world's best-informed critics each selected 10 of the world's most exceptional emerging architects. The diverse and innovative projects of these 100 architects make up an inspirational and unique collection of recent architecture. The book features over 250 buildings and projects, including recently built work as well as projects currently under construction and due for completion. Each critic also contributes an essay exclusively for this publication and has selected 10 works from varying genres and media to illustrate the context in which architects operate today.


Forlag Phaidon Press

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780714843797

EAN 9780714843797

Språk Engelsk

Sider 468

Utgave 1

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