Powder monkey

the adventures of Sam Witchall

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Bloomsbury 2005 Heftet

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Sam is desperate to leave his sleepy Norfolk village and see the world. He seizes the chance to crew a merchant ship but he soon discovers that a life at sea is harsh and often short. True to his fears, their ship is attacked by a Spanish privateer. About to be boarded, they fear all is lost, only to be rescued by a royal navy ship. Joy is short-lived when Sam realises marines are now boarding instead, and he is about to be press-ganged into the navy. War with France and Spain is raging and he is caught in the middle with a dangerous job as a powder monkey and a brutal crew

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Sam is desperate to leave his sleepy Norfolk village and see the world. He seizes the chance to crew a merchant ship but he soon discovers that a life at sea is harsh and often short. True to his fears, their ship is attacked by a Spanish privateer. About to be boarded, they fear all is lost, only to be rescued by a royal navy ship. Joy is short-lived when Sam realises marines are now boarding instead, and he is about to be press-ganged into the navy. War with France and Spain is raging and he is caught in the middle with a dangerous job as a powder monkey and a brutal crew


Forlag Bloomsbury

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780747580331

EAN 9780747580331

Omtalt tid 1800-tallet

Språk Engelsk

Sider 275

Utgave 1

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