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Utgivelsesår 2007
Format Heftet
ISBN13 9780141031316
EAN 9780141031316
Språk Engelsk
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The silence in the house had smothered Ben for the past six months (...) On the days after the funeral when he had woken up in the morning in the old bed, he felt it resting on his upper lip, collecting in the dent below his nose during the confusion between sleep and waking.
Tiny secret blueprints of their parents were floating within her, growing, invisible and silent, engineering a soul. Every pregnant woman was carrying the dead.
His dreams contained no stories at all, but only the hard stones of thoughts: the unimaginably unlikely coincidence of being alive at the same time as the love of your life, the frequency with which a person was expected to bear the body and the burden of someone else, the idiocy of thinking that kindness can protect the person who is kind, and worst of all, the bottomless pit of a truth that he had suddenly, sickeningly seen: that the world to come that his parents had always talked about was not an afterlife at all, but simply this world to come -the future world, your own future, that you were creating for yourself with every choice you made in it.
The room filled with black ink, deep and wondrous pools of dark liquid beauty that seeped into the spaces between her fingers and arms and lips. And the darkness between her tongue and the roof of her mouth was flooded with color and light.
She laughed, but did not promise. Instead she pressed her mouth to his, and he breathed her in, trust pouring back into his silent ribs, into the cage that held his heart
We name children after the dead in the dim hope that they will resemble them, pretending to blunt the loss of the person we knew while struggling to make the person we don't know into less of a stranger.
Etter tips her på kjøpte jeg "Røde mølle" av Pierre la Mure på loppemarked. "Røde mølle" er en roman basert på kunstneren Henri Toulouse-Lautrecs liv. Det fikk meg til å tenke på andre romaner basert på store kunstneres liv - noen har jeg lest, noen har jeg bare hørt om. Jeg vil gjerne ha flere tips! (De bøkene jeg kjenner til, handler om europeiske kunstnere - dét er ikke noe vilkår for denne listen! Derimot har jeg lagt som premiss for meg selv at historiene skal være knyttet til kunstnere som faktisk har levd; romaner som f.eks. Lars Saabye Christensens "Modellen" faller utenfor i denne sammenheng, fordi den ikke er basert på en kunstner som faktisk har eksistert.)