Maud's Line

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Mariner Books 2015 Kindle Edition

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Forlag Mariner Books

Utgivelsesår 2015

Format Kindle Edition

Språk Engelsk

Sider 307

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“Maud’s Line” takes place during the late 1920s and features an 18-year-old female character named Maud, who lives with her father and brother on their original Cherokee allotment land.


The 1920s were intoxicating – Interview with Margaret Verble
Maud’s Line isn’t your average 1920s novel. You won’t find flappers and bootleggers, speakeasies and gangsters. This is Prohibition Era away from the big cities, where the echo of jazz music and parties reach, faint and almost alien, but still strong enough to ignite young people’s desire.
This is the story of a young, ambitious woman, born in the countryside, but made to live in the big, comfortable city.
Maud is willing to go a long way (even too long a way, in my opinion) to attain the life she wants and leave behind her family and her land, neither of which seem to have as high a value as city life for her.
Maud is a very strong-willed character, though it may be argued that not always does she use her strength in a constructive way, but whatever you think about her, she will give you plenty of food for thoughts.

Kilde: Old Shelter - Sarah Zama's Author Blog

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