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Anita Røsbergs eksemplar av The nasty bits


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For all those Anthony Bourdain fans who are hungering for more, here is "Nasty Bits" - a collection of his journalism. As usual, Bourdain serves up a well-seasoned hellbroth of candid, often outrageous stories from his worldwide misadventures. Whether scrounging for eel in the backstreets of Hanoi, revealing what you didn't want to know about the more unglamorous aspects of making television, calling for the head of raw food activist Woody Harrelson, or confessing to lobster-killing guilt, Bourdain is as entertaining as ever. "The Nasty Bits" is a rude, funny, brutal and passionate stew for fans and the uninitiated alike.

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For all those Anthony Bourdain fans who are hungering for more, here is "Nasty Bits" - a collection of his journalism. As usual, Bourdain serves up a well-seasoned hellbroth of candid, often outrageous stories from his worldwide misadventures. Whether scrounging for eel in the backstreets of Hanoi, revealing what you didn't want to know about the more unglamorous aspects of making television, calling for the head of raw food activist Woody Harrelson, or confessing to lobster-killing guilt, Bourdain is as entertaining as ever. "The Nasty Bits" is a rude, funny, brutal and passionate stew for fans and the uninitiated alike.


Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780747579816

EAN 9780747579816

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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