The beating of his wings

book 3

av (forfatter).

2014 Heftet

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The Beating of his Wings by Paul Hoffman is the final instalment in his epic Cale and the Sanctuary of Redeemers series. The Beating of his Wings is the third and final instalment in the epic Paul Hoffman trilogy following Cale and the Sanctuary of the Redeemers. Following The Left Hand of God and The Last Four Things, this climatic ending will bring this sensational narrative to a close, and finally the fate of the angel of death will be revealed.

Imagine if Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials met Umberto Eco's Name of the Rose. Fans of epic heroic fiction will love this series. Praise for Paul Hoffman: 'This book gripped me from the first chapter and then dropped me days later, dazed and grinning to myself' Conn Iggulden 'Tremendous momentum' Daily Telegraph 'A cult classic ...' Daily Express Paul Hoffman is the author of four previous novels, The Last Four Things (2011), The Left Hand of God (2010), The Golden Age of Censorship (2007), a black comedy based on his experiences as a film censor and The Wisdom of Crocodiles (2000), which predicted the collapse of the world financial system.


Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780141042404

EAN 9780141042404

Genre Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Sider 512

Utgave 1

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