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Midnight fire media 2003 Heftet

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They are Agents of Change, a threat to any establishment, any imposed reality. The heatwave, the worst in living memory, is nothing compared to the boiling within the human heart. The Indian Summer heralds the twilight of mankind.

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The world is changing. They know this, in their core of cores, where everything moves and shifts. Night and fire have followed them all the days of their lives.
What they carry inside has always scared them, always intrigued them.
They have always felt different, apart from the crowd. And here, now they get the confirmation they have always wanted, always yearned for, that they are truly different, a breed apart. The metamorphosis begins. Their minds, their bodies are changing in shocking and unpredictable ways, as what.s on the inside are brought to the outside. And as they themselves are changing they are also changing the world.
Danger awaits them, Life awaits them, in the small, backward New England town. Magick and Mystery may be found under unturned stones.
People, young and old, are descending on the small, insignificant town of Northfield, New England.
Boys and girls, students at the school of Life, Seekers, yearning for what.s different, what.s hidden. seeking within and without, high and low.
And here, in this dusty, remote place finding it, turning the stone, finding the strength within themselves to be themselves, to break out of confines, to the world beyond. And in time, after the initial, tentative steps pushing down paths new and undreamed of.
And the present day order sees them for what they are. Agents of Change, a threat to any establishment, any imposed reality. The heatwave, the worst in living memory, is nothing compared to the boiling within the human heart. The Indian Summer heralds the twilight of mankind.


Forlag Midnight fire media

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788291693026

EAN 9788291693026

Språk Engelsk

Sider 656

Utgave 1

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