The eye of eternity

book three of the Shadowleague

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Orbit 2003 Heftet

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The Curtain Walls safeguarding the kingdoms of Myrial tremble on the point of collapse. If they fall, the world will fall with them. Its fate lies in the hands of the Shadowleague, but they have been shaken to the core by the return of the renegade Amaurn. Claiming what he believes to be his rightful place - at the head of the Shadowleague - the man who long ago betrayed the Loremasters must first persuade them to follow him. But time is fast running out, and it seems that now only a miracle can save the world of Myral. This is the third and final volume in the "Shadowleague" series.

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The Curtain Walls safeguarding the kingdoms of Myrial tremble on the point of collapse. If they fall, the world will fall with them. Its fate lies in the hands of the Shadowleague, but they have been shaken to the core by the return of the renegade Amaurn. Claiming what he believes to be his rightful place - at the head of the Shadowleague - the man who long ago betrayed the Loremasters must first persuade them to follow him. But time is fast running out, and it seems that now only a miracle can save the world of Myral. This is the third and final volume in the "Shadowleague" series.


Forlag Orbit

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781841491134

EAN 9781841491134

Genre Fantastisk litteratur

Språk Engelsk

Sider 708

Utgave 1

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