The door to December

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Signet 2002 Heftet

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Natalie Normanns eksemplar av The door to December


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Little Melanie had been kidnapped when she was only three. She was nine when she was found wandering the L.A. streets, with blank eyes. What had become of her in all those years in darkness, and what was the terrible secret, clutching at her soul, that she dared not even whisper? Her loving mother and the police desperately hunted for the answear. They needed Melanie's to help to get to the bottom of the most savage scene of carnage the city had ever seen. And they would do anything to save her from whatever dreadful force or thing that had invaded her young life. But first they would have to save themselves from a rising tide of terror, and from an icy evil howling through.

Omtale fra forlaget

Little Melanie had been kidnapped when she was only three. She was nine when she was found wandering the L.A. streets, with blank eyes. What had become of her in all those years in darkness, and what was the terrible secret, clutching at her soul, that she dared not even whisper? Her loving mother and the police desperately hunted for the answear. They needed Melanie's to help to get to the bottom of the most savage scene of carnage the city had ever seen. And they would do anything to save her from whatever dreadful force or thing that had invaded her young life. But first they would have to save themselves from a rising tide of terror, and from an icy evil howling through.


Forlag Signet

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780451205421

EAN 9780451205421

Genre Thrillere

Omtalt sted Los Angeles

Språk Engelsk

Sider 518

Utgave 1

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