In odd we trust

av (forfatter) og Queenie Chan (illustratør).

HarperCollins 2008 Heftet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 5.50 (2 terningkast.)

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Nineteen-year-old Odd Thomas, a young fry cook from Pico Mundo, California, can see the dead. Beautifully drawn by Australian artist Queenie Chan, this graphic novel tells the story of Odd's race to solve the murder of a young boy whose killer appears to be stalking a second child. With the help of his beautiful girlfriend Stormy, his friend Police Chief Porter and the ghost of Elvis Presley, Odd must find the killer before he strikes again.

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The first graphic novel from Dean Koontz, featuring the famously well-loved character of Odd Thomas. Nineteen-year-old Odd Thomas, a young fry cook from Pico Mundo, California, can see the dead. Beautifully drawn by Australian artist Queenie Chan, this graphic novel tells the story of Odd's race to solve the murder of a young boy whose killer appears to be stalking a second child. With the help of his beautiful girlfriend Stormy, his friend Police Chief Porter and the ghost of Elvis Presley, Odd must find the killer before he strikes again.


Forlag HarperCollins

Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007236961

EAN 9780007236961

Serie Odd Thomas

Genre Thrillere

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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