The night watch

av (forfatter) og Andrew Bromfield (gjendikter).

2007 Heftet

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Walking the streets of Moscow, indistinguishable from the rest of its population, are the Others. The Others are magicians, possessors of supernatural powers and capable of entering the Twilight, a shadowy world that exists in parallel to our own. Each Other owes allegiance either to the Dark or the Light. Their aim is not mutual destruction, but rather the maintenance of the precarious balance between good and evil. Anton, a young Other who owes allegiance to the Light, is a Night Watch agent, newly seconded to patrol the streets and metro of the city. On his rounds, Anton comes across a young woman, Svetlana, who he realises is under a powerful curse that threatens the entire city, and a boy, Egor, a young Other, as yet unaware of his own power, whom Anton narrowly saves from vampires. Anton is assigned a partner, Olga, a powerful female Other who is trapped in the form of an owl in punishment for a past error of judgement. Together with their colleagues in the Night Watch, they struggle to remove Svetlana's curse and to protect Egor from the vampires that pursue him.

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Walking the streets of Moscow, indistinguishable from the rest of its population, are the Others. Possessors of supernatural powers and capable of entering the Twilight, a shadowy parallel world existing in parallel to our own, each Other owes allegiance either to the Dark or the Light. The Night Watch, first book in the Night Watch Trilogy, follows Anton, a young Other owing allegiance to the Light. As a Night Watch agent he must patrol the streets and metro of the city, protecting ordinary people from the vampires and magicians of the Dark. When he comes accross Svetlana, a young woman under a powerful curse, and saves an unfledged Other, Egor, from vampires, he becomes involved in events that threaten the uneasy truce, and the whole city...


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780099489924

EAN 9780099489924

Genre Science fiction

Omtalt sted Moskva

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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I saw an old woman in a window. The shadow of death was already hovering over her, she could probably sense it herself. But she was still smiling. Her grandson had come around to see her that day. Probably only to check if his grandmother were still alive, or if the expensive apartment in the center of Moscow were free now. She understood that too, but she was still happy. I felt ashamed, but I touched her and took a little Power. A fading orange and yellow bouquet of asters and autumn leaves...

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