Carpe jugulum

a Discworld novel

av (forfatter).

Corgi Books 1999 Heftet

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Natalie Normanns eksemplar av Carpe jugulum - a Discworld novel


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Mightily Oats har ikke valgt et godt tidspunkt til å bli prest på. Han trodde han bare trengte å dra til Lancre og delta i en enkel seremoni, men nå befinner han seg plutselig midt i en krig mellom vampyrer og hekser. Dette er den 23. romanen om Skiveverdenen.

Omtale fra forlaget

Mightily Oats har ikke valgt et godt tidspunkt til å bli prest på. Han trodde han bare trengte å dra til Lancre og delta i en enkel seremoni, men nå befinner han seg plutselig midt i en krig mellom vampyrer og hekser. Dette er den 23. romanen om Skiveverdenen.


Forlag Corgi Books

Utgivelsesår 1999

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780552146159

EAN 9780552146159

Serie Discworld

Genre Humor Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Sider 424

Utgave 1

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'I think he's a bit of a romnantic, actually', said Magrat.

'Oh, I don't know, I really don't', said Nanny. 'I mean, it's flattering and everything, but I really don't think I could be goin' out with a man with a limp'.

'Limp what?'

Nanny Ogg had always considered herself unshockable, but there's no such thing. Shock can come from unexpected directions.

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Those who are inclined to casual cruelty say that inside a fat girl is a thin girl and a lot of chocolate. Agnes's thin girl was Perdita.

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'People have quite the wrong idea about vampires, you see. Are we fiendish killers?' He beamed at them. 'Well, yes, of course we are. But only when necessary.'

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Now the Quite Reverend Oats looked at himself in the mirror. He was a bit uneasy about the mirror, to be honest. Mirrors had led to one of the Church’s innumerable schisms, one side saying that since they encouraged vanity they were bad, and the other saying that since they reflected the goodness of Om they were holy. Oats had not quite formed his own opinion, being by nature someone who tries to see something in both sides of every question, but at least the mirrors helped him get his complicated clerical collar on straight.

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It's one thing saying you've got the best god, but sayin' it's the only real one is a bit of a cheek.

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