Moving pictures

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Corgi Books 1997 Heftet

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Alkymisten på skiveplaneten har oppdaget magien ved sølvskjermen. Det er opp til Victor Tugelbend, som verken kan synge, danse eller bruke et sverd, å avsløre fjellet Hellige skogs sorte hemmlighet. Dette er den tiende boken i serien om Skiveverdenen.

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The alchemists of the Discworld have discovered the magic of the silver screen. But what is the dark secret of Holy Wood hill? It's up to Victor Tugelbend ("Can't sing. Can't dance.

Can handle a sword a little.") and Theda Withel ("I come from a little town you've probably never heard of") to find out..."Moving Pictures", the ninth "Discworld" novel is a gloriously funny saga set against the background of a world gone mad!


Forlag Corgi Books

Utgivelsesår 1997

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780552134637

EAN 9780552134637

Serie Discworld

Genre Humor Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Sider 332

Utgave 1

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The universe contains any amount of horrible ways to be woken up, such as the noise of the mob breaking down the front door, the scream of fire engines, or the realization that today is the Monday which on Friday night was a comfortably long way off.

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Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.

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The Bursar shrugged. "This pot", he said, peering closely, "is actually quite an old Ming vase."
He waited expectantly.
"Why's it called Ming?" said the Archchancellor, on cue.
The Bursar tapped the pot. It went ming.

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*Did I hear things, or can that little dog speak?' Said Dibbler.
'He says he can't,' said Victor.
Dibbler hesitated. 'Well,' he said, 'I suppose he should know.'

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