The world according to Bertie

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Anchor Books 2008 Heftet

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Natalie Normanns eksemplar av The world according to Bertie


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The latest completely charming installment in the bestselling 44 Scotland Street series. There is never a quiet moment on 44 Scotland Street. In "The World According to "Bertie, Pat deals with the reappearance of Bruce, which has her heart skipping--and not in a pleasant way. Angus Lordie's dog Cyril has been taken away by the authorities, accused of being a serial biter. Unexpectedly, Domenica has offered to help free him. As usual, Big Lou is still looking for love, and handing out coffee and advice to the always contemplative Matthew. And Bertie, the beleaguered Italian-speaking six year old prodigy, now has a little brother, Ulysses, who Bertie hopes will help distract his pushy mother Irene. Beautifully observed, cleverly detailed," The World According to Bertie" is classic McCall Smith and a treat for his avid fans as well as his first time readers.

Omtale fra forlaget

The latest completely charming installment in the bestselling 44 Scotland Street series. There is never a quiet moment on 44 Scotland Street. In "The World According to "Bertie, Pat deals with the reappearance of Bruce, which has her heart skipping--and not in a pleasant way. Angus Lordie's dog Cyril has been taken away by the authorities, accused of being a serial biter. Unexpectedly, Domenica has offered to help free him. As usual, Big Lou is still looking for love, and handing out coffee and advice to the always contemplative Matthew. And Bertie, the beleaguered Italian-speaking six year old prodigy, now has a little brother, Ulysses, who Bertie hopes will help distract his pushy mother Irene. Beautifully observed, cleverly detailed," The World According to Bertie" is classic McCall Smith and a treat for his avid fans as well as his first time readers.


Forlag Anchor Books

Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780307387066

EAN 9780307387066

Serie 44 Scotland Street (4)

Omtalt sted Edinburgh

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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