The unbearable lightness of scones

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2009 Heftet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.60 (5 terningkast.)

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Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780349121147

EAN 9780349121147

Serie 44 Scotland Street (5)

Omtalt sted Edinburgh

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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Har du noen gang besøkt Edinburgh og blitt betatt av byen, er dette en glimrende bok. Her fulgte jeg personene rundt i gater jeg selv har vandret i. Det ER noe spesielt med Edinburgh! :-)

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The things that really bind people to one another are a shared sense of who you are - a shared identity. Common practices. Common loyalties...But what is being done to those things now! They are being dismantled...Look at those think-tank people who advocate diminishing Christmas so that those who adhere to other faiths would not feel excluded. The truth of the matter is that the celebration of Christmas has been going on for an awful long time in this country, and is exactly one of those customs that make us a community, rather than just a random collection of people who happen to live in the same place...We have a national culture, just as other countries have. We have one, and we are entitled to say that we want to preserve it. It's a great mish-mash of social customs and observances; of ways of greeting one another; of memories of nursery rhymes and poems and people. And these wretched, arrogant pluralists are setting out - on what authority, one asks? - to dismantle it, bit by bit, so that there is nothing left. They prevent people from being who they are; they forbid them to express themselves in the name of preventing offence...They pour scorn on those who have a sense of themselves.

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