Cat O'Nine tales

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2009 Heftet

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Morten Evensens eksemplar av Cat O'Nine tales


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"Cat O' Nine Tales" is the sixth collection of irresistible short stories from the master storyteller illustrated by the internationally acclaimed artist, Ronald Searle, creator of "Molesworth". These twelve yarns are so satisfying because they are ingeniously plotted, include richly drawn characters and have deliciously unexpected conclusions. They feature the mad, the bad and the dangerous to know as well as some more poignant and telling characters. Many of these stories came to Archer while he was incarcerated for two years in five different prisons, and so they have a prison theme. Others were inspired since he was released, but all in all they confirm his position as one of the best storytellers alive today. 'Stylish, witty and constantly entertaining ...Jeffrey Archer has a natural aptitude for short stories.' - "The Times".

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"Cat O' Nine Tales" is the sixth collection of irresistible short stories from the master storyteller illustrated by the internationally acclaimed artist, Ronald Searle, creator of "Molesworth". These twelve yarns are so satisfying because they are ingeniously plotted, include richly drawn characters and have deliciously unexpected conclusions. They feature the mad, the bad and the dangerous to know as well as some more poignant and telling characters. Many of these stories came to Archer while he was incarcerated for two years in five different prisons, and so they have a prison theme. Others were inspired since he was released, but all in all they confirm his position as one of the best storytellers alive today. 'Stylish, witty and constantly entertaining ...Jeffrey Archer has a natural aptitude for short stories.' - "The Times".


Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330418836

EAN 9780330418836

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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