Count of Monte Cristo, The (Leatherbound Classic Collection) by Alexandre Dumas (2011) Leather Bound

Barnes & Noble Leather Bound

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Maylen Kors' eksemplar av Count of Monte Cristo, The (Leatherbound Classic Collection) by Alexandre Dumas (2011) Leather Bound


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Forlag Barnes & Noble

Format Leather Bound

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There was a moment's silence during which Louis XVIII wrote in as minute a handwriting as possible a note on the margin of his Horace, which having finished, he said, rising with the satisfied air of a man who thinks he has an idea of his own because he has commented on the idea of another, "Continue, my dear Duke, I am listening."

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Every one knows the history of the famous return from Elba, a return which, unexampled as it was in the past, will probably remain unimitated in the future.

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