The mimic men

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Vintage 2002 Heftet

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Born of Indian heritage, raised in the British-dependent Caribbean island of Isabella, and educated in England, forty-year-old Ralph Singh has spent a lifetime struggling against the torment of cultural displacement. Now in exile from his native country, he has taken up residence at a quaint hotel in a London suburb, where he is writing his memoirs in an attempt to impose order on a chaotic existence. His memories lead him to recognize the cultural paradoxes of his childhood and later life: his attempts to fit in at school, his short-lived marriage to an ostentatious white woman. But it is the return to Isabella and his subsequent immersion in the roiling political atmosphere of a newly self-governing nation that ultimately provide Singh with the necessary insight to discover the crux of his disillusionment.

Omtale fra forlaget

Born of Indian heritage, raised in the British-dependent Caribbean island of Isabella, and educated in England, forty-year-old Ralph Singh has spent a lifetime struggling against the torment of cultural displacement. Now in exile from his native country, he has taken up residence at a quaint hotel in a London suburb, where he is writing his memoirs in an attempt to impose order on a chaotic existence. His memories lead him to recognize the cultural paradoxes of his childhood and later life: his attempts to fit in at school, his short-lived marriage to an ostentatious white woman. But it is the return to Isabella and his subsequent immersion in the roiling political atmosphere of a newly self-governing nation that ultimately provide Singh with the necessary insight to discover the crux of his disillusionment.


Forlag Vintage

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780375707179

EAN 9780375707179

Omtalt tid Etterkrigstiden

Omtalt sted London Karibia

Språk Engelsk

Sider 300

Utgave 1

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